1) Expiration
2) Electrolyte
E.; Escherichia
E. Coli; Escherichia Coli; 대장균
E1; Estrone; 폐경후 주된 Estrogen
E2; Estradiole; 폐경전 주된 Estrogen
E3; Estriol; 임신시 주된 Estrogen
가임기 여성; E3/(E1 + E2) = 1
임신시 여성; E3/(E1 + E2) = 10
1) Esophageal Atresia
1. Esophageal Atresia with Distal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; C; 85 %; mc
2. Esophageal Atresia without Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; A; 8 %
3. Isolated Tracheoesophaseal Fistula(H-Type); E; 4 %
4. Esophageal Atresia with Proximal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; B; 1 %
5. Esophageal Atresia with Proximal & Distal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; D; 2 %
2) Early Antigen
EACA; Epsillon(ε)-AminoCaproic Acid
EAE; Early Asthmatic Effect
EAEC; Entero-Adherent Escherichia Coli
EBNA; Epstain-Barr Nuclear Antigen
EBV; Epstein-Barr Virus
EC; Extra-Cranial
ECA; External Carotid Artery
ECC; Endo-Cervical Curettage
ECCE; Extra-Capsular Cataract Extraction
ECD; Endocardial Cushion Defect
1) Eosinophilic Chemotatic Factors
2) Extra-Cellular Fluid; 세포 외액
ECG; Electro-Cardio-Graphy(-Gram); 심전도 = EKG
EC-IC bypass; Extra-Cranial Intra-Cranial bypass
ECLE; Extra-Capsular Lens Extraction
ECMO; Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation
ECOG; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
ECT(?); Electro-Convulsive Therapy; 전기 경련 요법 = EST
ED & C; Electro-Desiccation & Curettage
EDC; Estimated Day of Confinement; 출산(분만) 예정일
EDH; Epidural Hematoma; 경뇌막상혈종
EDRF; Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor
EDS; Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
EDTA; Ethylene Diamino(Diamine)-Tetraacetic Acid
EDV; End Diastolic Volume
EED; Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
EEG; Electro-Encephalo-Graphy(-Gram); 뇌전도, 뇌파 검사
EF; Edema Factor
EF study; Ejection-Fraction study
E. Fetalis; Erythroblastosis Fetalis
EGC; Early Gastric Cancer
EGD; Esophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy
EGJ; Esophago-Gastric Junction
EHBF; Estimated Hepatic Blood Flow; 추정간혈류량(推定肝血流量)
EHEC; Entero-Hemorrhagic Escherichia Coli
EHDP; Ethane-1-Hydroxyl-1,1-Di-Phosphonate
EHL; Electro-Hydrauric Lithotripsy
1) Exercise Induced Asthma; 운동 유발성 천식 = EIB
2) Enzyme Immuno-Assay
EIB; Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction; 운동 유발성 기관지 수축 = EIA
EIEC; Entero-Invasive Escherichia Coli
EKC; Epidemic Kerato-Conjunctivitis
EKG; Electro-cardio-Graphy(-Gram); 심전도 = ECG
ELISA; Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay; 효소 면역법
ELT; Euglobulin Lysis Time
1) Erythro-Mycin
2) Electron Microscopy
1) Erythro-mycin
2) Emmetropia(Normal Vision)
EMA-CO; Etoposide, MTX, Actinomycin-D, Vincristine, Cyclophosphomide, Folic Acid
EMB; Ethambutol
EMB Agar; Eosin Methylene Blue Agar
EMD; Electro-Mechanical Dissociation
EMG; Electro-Myo-Graphy; 근전도
EMID; Extra-Medullary Intra-Dural
EM Pathway; Embden Meyerhof Pathway
EN; Erythema Nodosum
ENKAF; Epidermal-derived NK cell-Activating Factor
ENG; Electro-Nystagmo-Graphy
ENL; Erythema Nodosum Leprosum
ENT; Ear, Nose & Throat; 이비인후과
EOAE; Evoked Oto-Acoustic Emission test
EOG; Electro-Oculo-Gram
EPB; Extensor Pollisis Brevis
EPBF; Effective Pulmonary Blood Flow
EPEC; Entero-Pathogenic Escherichia Coli
EPF; Esophago-Pleural Fistula
EPP; Erythropoietic Proto-Porphyria
1) Extra-Pyramidal Syndrome
2) Electro-Physiological Study
EPSP; Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential; 흥분성 시냅스후 전위
1) Emergency Room; 응급실
2) Estrogen Receptor
ERBD; Endoscopic Retrograde Bile(Biliary) Drainage
ERBSE; Endoscopic Retrograde Balloon Stone Extraction
ERCP; Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography(-gram)
ERG; Electro-Retino-Gram
ERPF; Effective Renal Plasma Flow; 유효신혈류량
ERV; Expiratory Reserve Volume
ESP; Extra-Sensory Perception
ESR; Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; 0 - 30 mm/Hr(영아)
ESRD; End Stage Renal Disease
EST(?); Electric(Electro-) Shock Theraphy; 전기 충격치료 = ECT
ESWL; Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy
1) Essential Thrombocytosis
2) Embryo Transfer
ETAF; Epidermal cell derived Thymocyte Activating Factor
ETEC; Entero-Toxigenic Escherichia Coli
ETF; Eustachian Tube Function
EU; Endoscopic Ultrasonography
EUA; Examination Under Anesthesia
E-W nucleus; Edinger-Westphal nucleus
출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308