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[의학용어-약어] [H]로 시작하는 약어


  1) Hemophilus; 호혈균(속)

    H. influenzae; 인플루엔자 호혈균

  2) Helicobacter

    H. pylori

  3) Hydatidiform

    H. Mole; Hydatidiform Mole; 포상기태 [HP 1861, 1944, 1947, 2030]

      1> Complete Hydatidiform Mole

      2> Partial Hydatidiform Mole

h.; hour; 시간


  1) Hemolytic Anemia

  2) Head-Ache

HACE; High Altitude Cerebral Edema

HAM; 1) Human Albumin Microsphere

       2) HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy

HAPE; High Altitude Pulmonary Edema

HARH; High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage

HAV; Hepatitis A Virus

Hb; Hemoglobin; 혈색소; 13 - 15 mg%, 1 gm 파괴시 Indirect Bilirubin 40 mg 증가 = Hgb

HBD; α-Hydroxy-Butyrate Dehydrogenase

HBI; Hemi-Body Irradiation

HBIG; Hepatitis B Immuno-Globulin; B형 간염 면역글로불린

HBO; HyperBaremic Oxygen

HBPV; Haemophilus influenza type B Polysaccharide(PRP) Vaccine; B형 헤모필루스 인플루엔자 피막 다당질 백신

HBeAg; Hepatitis Be Antigen

HBsAg; Hepatitis B surface Antigen

HBUS; Hepato-Biliary Ultra-Sound

HBV; Hepatitis B Virus


  1) Head Circumferrence; 두위

  2) 탄화수소

  3) Head Compression

HCC; Hepato-Cellular Cacinoma

HCCa; Hepato-Cellular Cacinoma

HCG, hCG; Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; 사람융모성선자극호르몬

HCM; Hypertrophic Cardio-Myopathy = HCMP

HCMP; Hypertrophic Cardio-Myo-Pathy = HCM

HCN; Hydrogen Cyanide; 청산

HCO; Health Care Organization; 의료조직 = MCO; Medical Care Organization

HCP; Hereditary Copro-Porphyria; 유전성 CoproPorphyria

HCT, Hct; Hematocrit; 혈구용적; 35 - 45 %

HCV; Hepatitis C Virus

HCVD; Hypertensive Cardio-Vascular Disease; 고혈압 심장성 혈관 질환


  1) Hodgkin's Disease

  2) Hemo-Dialysis

  3) High Density

  4) Hearing Disturbance

HDCV; Human Diploid Cell Vaccine; 인간 이배체 세포 백신

HDL; High Density Lipoprotein; 고밀도 지질 단백질

HDN; Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

HDV; Hepatitis D(elta) Virus = HBV associated Delta Agent

HE stain; Hematoxylin-Eosin stain

HEMPAS Test; Hereditary Erythrocytic Multinuclearity with Positive Acidified Serum Test

HEV; Hepatitis E Virus

HFRS; Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome [HP 849-50]

Hgb; Hemoglobin = Hb

HGPRT; Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phospho-Ribosyl Transferase

HHH Syndrome; Hyperamnonemia-Hyperornithinemia-Homocitrullinemia Syndrome

HI antibody; Hemagglutination Inhibiting antibody; 혈구 응집 억제 항체

HI Method; Hemagglutination Inhibiting Method; 혈구 응집 억제법

Hib; Haemophilus Influenzae B type; B 형 인플루엔자균

HIV; Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HIVD; Herniation(Herniated) of Inter-Vertebral Disc

HL; Half Life

HLA; Human Leukocyte Antigen; 인백혈구 항원

   HLA B27 Ag

    (+)로 나오는 경우

    1. Ankylosing Spondylitis; 90 % (+)

HLDA; HoLD Acknowledge

HMD; Hyaline Membrane Disease; 유리질막증

HMG, hMG; Human Menopausal Gonadotropin

HMO; Health Maintenance Organization; 건강 유지 조직

HMP Shunt; Hexose Mono-Phosphate Shunt

HMSN; Hereditary Motor-Sensory Neuropathy

HMW; High Molecular Weight

HMWM; High Molecular Weight Multimers

H & N; Head & Neck

Hn; Herniation

HNP; Herniation(Herniated) of Nucleus Pulposus; 척추간판 탈출증

HOA; Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy

HOF; Height Of Fundus; Distance to Uterine Fundus from Symphisis

HP; Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis = Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

HPA axis; Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis

HPF, hpf; High Power Field; 고배율 시야

hPL; human Placental Lactogen = Chorionic Somatomammotropin

HPP; Hereditary Pyro-Poikilocytosis

HPRT; Hypoxanthine Phospho-Ribosyl-Transferase

HPV; Human Papilloma Virus

HPZ; High Pressure Zone; 고압지대

HR; Heart Rate

HRCT; High Resolution Computed Tomography = TSCT

HRIG; Human Rabies Immuno-Globulin; 인체 광경병 면역 글로불린

HS; Hereditary Spherocytosis

h.s.; hora somni; at bedtime; 취침시(간)

H2S; Hydrogen Sulfate; 황화수소

HSA; Human Serum Albumin

3β-HSD; 3β-Hydroxy-Steroid Dehydrogenase

HSG; Hystero-Salpingo-Gram

HSM Syndrome; juvenile-familial Endocrinopathy Hypoparathyroidism Addison's Disease Menillansis

HSP; Henoch Schonlein Purpura

HSV; Herpes Simplex Virus

HT; Head Trauma

ht.; height; 신장, 키

HTIG: Human Tetanus Immune Globulin

HTN; Hypertension

hTN; hypotension

HTST; High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization ; 71.5 ℃, 15 sec간 가열후 10 ℃ 이하로 급냉각

HUS; Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

HVA; Homo-Vanillic Acid

HVL; Half-Value Layer

h.w.b.; hot water bag; 더운물주머니

HX, Hx; History

Hx; History Taking

hypo.; hypodermic(ally) injection; 피하주사

출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308

