1) Lumbar Vertebrae
L1; 1st Lumbar Vertebrae
L2; 2nd Lumbar Vertebrae
2) Liter
1) Left Atrium
2) Latex Agglutination
L & A; Light & Accommodation; 광선및 조절
LAA; Left Atrial(or Auricular) Appendage
Lab., lab.; Laboratory; 검사실
1) Left Axis Deviation; 좌축 편위
2) Left Anterior Descending coronary artery
1) Late Asthmatic Effect
2) Left Atrial Enlargement
LAH; Left Atrial Hypertrophy
LAI assay; Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition assay
LAK T cells; Lymphokine Activated Killer T cells
LAMB Syndrome; Lentigines, Atrial myxoma, Blue nevi Syndrome
1) Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
2) Leucine Amino-Peptidase
LASER; Light Amplication by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LATS; Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulating hormone(= Stimulator)
lb; libra; pound
LBBB; Left Bundle Branch Block
LBP; Low Back Pain
LBW; Low Birth Weight
LBWI; Low Birth Weight Infant; 저출생체중아(低出生體重兒)
LC; Liver Cirrhosis
LCA; Left Coronary Artery
LCAT; Lecithin Cholesterol Acyl-Transferase
LCC; Left Common Carotid artery
LCCA; Left Common Carotid Artery
LCP Disease; Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Stages of LCP Disease(= Juvenile Idiopathic AVN)
1. Incipient or Synovitis Stage; 1 - 3 wk
2. Avascular or Aseptic Necrotic Stage; 6 Mo - 1 Yr
3. Regenerative or Fragmentation Stage; 1 - 3 Yr
4. Residual Stage or Reparative Stage
1) Lamina Densa
2) Lymphocyte Depletion
3) Lethal Dose; 치사량
LD50; Median Lethal Dose; 반치사량
LDH; Lactic Acid(Lactate) De-Hydrogenase; 유수탈수소효소 ; < 370 Unit
증가하는 경우
1. AMI; Flipped Pattern; LDH1 > LDH2; 3 - 6 일에 최고치, 1주일 지나면 정상화
LDL; Low Density Lipoprotein; 저밀도 지질 단백질
LE; Lupus Erythematosus; 홍반성 루푸스(낭창)
L/E; Lower Extremity
LEMS; Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
LES; Lower Esophageal Sphincter; 하부 식도 괄약근
LESP; Lower Esophageal Sphincter Prssure
1) Lethal Factor
2) Line Feed
3) Left Foot
LFT; Liver Function Test
LGA; Large for Gestational Age; 과체중아
LGL Syndrome; Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome
LGV; Lympho-Granuloma Venereum
LH; Luteinizing Hormone
LHA; Left Hepatic Artery
LHRF; Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Factor
LHRH; Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone = GnRH; Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone = Gonadorelin
LI; Lateral Infarction
LIP; Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia
LL; Left Leg
LLL; Left Lower Lobe(of Lung)
LLOs; Legionella-Like Organisms
LLQ; Left Lower Quadrant; 좌측하부 4분의 1
LMA; Left Mento-Anterior
LMB; Left Main Bronchus
LMN; Lower Motor Neuron
LMP; Last Menstrual Period; 최종 월경기
LN; Lymph Node
LND; Light-Near Dissociation
LOA; Left Occipito-Anterior
LOC; Loss Of Consciousness
LOP; Left Occipito-Posterior
LOS; Lipo-Oligo-Saccharides
1) Lymphocyte Predominant
2) Lumbar Puncture
LP shunt; Lumbo-Peritoneal shunt
L-PAM; L-Phenyl-Alanine Mustard = Melphalan
LPD; Luteal Phase Defect
LPF, lpf; Low Power Field; 저배율시야
LPH; Lipotropic Hormone = Lipotropin
LPL; Lipo-Protein Lipase
LPM; Line Per Minute
LPO; Left Posterior Oblique view
LR; Light Perception
L/R; Light Reflex
LRE; Lamina Rara Externa
LRI; Lamina Rara Interna
L/S ratio; Lecithin/Sphingomyelin
> 2이나 IRDS가 오는 경우
1. DM Mother
2. Erythroblastosis Fetalis
3. Metabolic Disease of Fetus
4. Deficit of Phosphatidylglycerol
LSA; Left Subclavian Artery
LSB; Left Sternal Border
LSD; Lysergic acid Diethylamide
1) Liver Specific Protein
2) Left Sacrum Posterior
L-tube; Levin tube
1) heat-Labile enteroToxin
2) Leuko-Trience
LTB4; Leuko-Trience B4
LTH; Low Temperature Holding Method of Pasteurization; 저온유지식살균법(우유소독법); 62 - 63 ℃, 30 min
LUF syndrome; Lutenized Unruptured Follicle syndrome
LUL; Left Upper Lobe(of Lung)
LUQ; Left Upper Quadrant; 좌측상부 4분의 1
1) Left Ventricle
2) Lateral Ventricle
LVEDV; Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume
LVESV; Left Ventricular End-Systolic Volume
LVFP; Left Ventricular Filling Pressure
LVH; Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
LVOT; Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308