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[의학용어-약어] [C]로 시작하는 약어


  1) Complement

  2) Centigrade; 섭씨


  1) Candida

    C. Albicans

    C. Guilliermondi

    C. Krusei

    C. Parapsilosis

    C. Tropicalis

  2) Clostridium

    C. Botulinum

    C. Difficile

    C. Perfringens(= C. Welchii)

    C. Tetani; 파상풍균

  3) Clonorchis; 간흡충(속)

    C. Sinensis; 간흡충, 간디스토마

  4) Cervical Vertebrae

    C1; 1st Cervical Vertebrae

    C2; 2nd Cervical Vertebrae

; cum; with; ~와 같이

CA-125; Cancer Antigen-125


  1) Carcinoma

  2) Cancer; 암

  3) Calcium

CABG; Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

CAF; Cytoxan, Adriamycin(= Doxorubicin), 5-FU


  1) Chronic Active Hepatitis

  2) Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

CALLA; Common Acute Lymphocytic(Lymphoblastic) Leukemia Antigen = CD10 = Enkephalinase

CAMP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(Doxorubicin), Methotrexate, Procarbazine

cAMP; cyclic Adenosine Mono-Phosphate

cap.; capsula; capsule

CAP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(Doxorubicin), cis-Platinum

CAPD; Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

CARL; Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries


  1) Computerized(= Computed) Axial Tomography = CAT scan = CT

  2) Children Appenception Test

CAVH; Continous Arterio-Venous Hemodialysis

CAVHD; Continous Arterio-Venous Hemo-Dialysis

CBC, cbc; Complete Blood Count; 완전 혈구 계산

CBD; Common Bile Duct

   Absolute Ix of CBD Exploration

    1. Palpable Stones

    2. Jaundice with Cholangitis

    3. Demonstration of Stones by Cholangiography

    4. Dilatation of CBD > 12 mm

CBF; Cerebral Blood Flow

CBG; Cortisol-Binding Globulin = Transcortin

cbl; cerebellar = cbll

cbll; cerebellar = cbl

cbr; cerebral


  1) Chief Complaint; 주소(主訴), 주된 호소(불평)

  2) Closing Capacity,  CC = CV + RV

  3) Cord Compression

cc; cubic centimeter; 1/1000 Liter

CCA; Common Carotid Artery

CCE; Carboline-3-Carboxy(lic) acid Ethylester


  1) Carotid(Carotico-) Cavernous Fistula

  2) Crystal-induced Chemotactic Factor

CCK; Chole-Cysto-Kinin

CCK-8; Chole-Cysto-Kinin octapeptide

CCK-Pz; CholeCystoKinin-Pancreozymin

CCl4; Phosgene

CCPD; Continous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis

Ccr; Creatinine Clearance; 80 - 90 ml/min

CCR; Creatine Clearance Rate; 3.0 - 3.5 gm/24 hr

CCT; Cephalic Cholestol Test

CCU; Coronary(= Cardiac) Care Unit; 관(상)(동맥)질환집중치료(병동)(관상동맥질환집중 治療病棟), 관(상)(동맥)질환감시병실(관상동맥疾患監視病室), 심장병 집중 치료실 = Nursing Unit

CD; Cluster of Differentation

Cd; Cadmium


  1) Cheno-Deoxy-Cholic acid  = CDCA

  2) Center for Disease Control & Prevention

CDCA; Cheno-Deoxy-Cholic Acid = CDC


  1) Chronic Daily Headache = CTH = DCH = DMH = TFM

  2) Congenital Dislocation of the Hip

  3) Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

  4) Congenital Heart Disease

CDR; Crude Death Rate; 보통사망률

CE; Cholesterol Ester

CE angle; Center-Edge angle

CEA; Carcino-Embryonic Antigen [HP 1825-6]

  ; Oncofetal Antigens

  ; Glycoprotein(MW 180,000)

  ; Normal; 2500 ng/L(2.5 ng/mL)

    1. concentrated in the Glycocalyx of epithelial Cells

    2. released into the Lumen of the Bowel

  ; Malignancy

    1. concentrations elevated in the Blood & other Body Fluids

  ; 1. Specific for Bowel Cnacer

    2. Nonspecific Tumor-associated Antigen

    3. Benign Conditions

  ; Not selective for Cancer

    Not Used in Screening for Malignancy

  ; Sereal measurement; Treatments & the Recurrence of Disease

   의의(in Colon Ca)

    1) F/U시 이용; Metastasis or recurrence

    2) Metastasis 판정

    3) Little Value in Dx

   증가하는 경우

    1) Neoplasm(≥ 50 %) of

      1> Colon

      2> Pancreas

      3> Lung

      4> Breast

      5> Stomach

    2) Nonmalignant Conditions; Not over 10,000 ng/L(10ng/mL)

      1> Cigarette Smoking

      2> Chronic Pulmonary Disease

      3> Liver Cirrhosis; Alcoholic

      4> Hepatitis

      5> Inflammatory Bowel Disease

      6> Uremia

CEP; Congenital Erythropoetic Porphyria(= Gnther Disease; 선천성 조혈기성 Porphyria

CER; Conditioned Emotional Response; 조건화 감정 반응


  1) Cystic Fibrosis

  2) Complement Fixing antibody

  3) Conversion Factor

C/F; Clinical Finding

CF test; Complement Fixation test; 보체결합법

CFC; Freon; 오존층파괴

CFCs; Chloro-Fluoro-Carbons

CFS; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFU; Colony Forming Unit

CFUe; erythroid Colony Forming Unit

CFV; Call For Vote

CGD; Chronic Granulomatous Disease; 만성 육아종 질환

c.gl.; correction with glasses

cGMP; cyclic Guanosine Mono-Phosphate

CGRP; Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide(Protein)

CGRPs; Calcitonin Gene-Related Products

CH50; Hemolytic Complement 50; 용혈 보체 검사법; (30)50 - (40)(66)80 Unit/mL

CHA; Common Hepatic Artery

CHAMOCA; Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxyuria, Actinomycin-D, MTX, Folic Acid, Adriamycin

CHARGE Associations;


  Heart disease

  Atresia choanae

  Retared growth & development or CNS anomalies

  Genital anomalies &/or hypogonadism

  Ear anomalies &/or deafness Associations


  1) Congenital Heart Disease

  2) Common Hepatic Duct

CHF; Congestive Heart Failure; 울혈성 심마비

CHOP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Vincristine, Prednisolone

Chr; Chronic; 만성


  1) Cholinesterae

  2) Chediak-Higashi Syndrome


  1) Corporate Identity

  2) Completed Infarction

  3) Cardiac Index

CIC; Circulating Immune Complexes


  1) Carpal Instability Dissociative; 해리성 주근관절 불안정성

  2) Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease

CIDP; Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Poly(radiculo)neuropathy

CIE; Counter(current) Immuno-Electrophoresis; 역면역 전기 영동법

CIN; Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

CIND; Carpal Instability Nondissociative; 불해리성 주근관절 불안정성

CIS; Carcinoma In Situ

CISCA; CISplastin, Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(=Doxorubicin)


  1) Creatine Kinase

  2) Creatinine Phosphokinase

Ck; Check; 조사

CK-MB; Creatine Kinase MB Fraction

CL; Capillary Loops

CLD; Chronic Lung Disease; 만성폐질환

CLH; Chronic Lobular Hepatitis

CLIP; Corticotropin-Like Intermediate Peptide

CLL; Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

CLO; 의복의 열차단 단위

  1 CLO; 기온 21℃, 기습 50 %, 기류 5cm/sec에서 Metabolic Rate 50 Kcal/m2/Hr로 피부온도가 33℃로 유지 될때의 의복의 방한력


  1) Chlor-aMphenicol

  2) Chylo-Micron

cM; centi-Morgan

 1 cM; 1회의 Meiosis때 recombination이 일어날 확률이 1 % 인 경우 두 유전자사이의 거리, 대략 1백만 염기쌍의 거리

cm; centimeter; 1/1000 meter

CMD; Cerebro-Macular Degeneration

CMF; Cytoxan(or Cyclophosphamide), MTX, 5-FU

CMG; Cysto-Metro-Gram; 방광내압곡선


  1) Cornell Medical Index

  2) Cell-Mediated Immunity

CML; Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

  * Lymphoid Blastic Crisis(? 1/3)시 치료는 ALL에 준해서

  1. Vincristine

  2. Prednisone

  3. L-Asparaginase

  4. Daunorubisin

CMML; Chronic Myelo-Monocytic Leukemia

CMO; Corticosteroid Methyl-Oxidase

CMOS; Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMP; Cardio-Myo-Pathy

CMT; Cervical Mucous Test


  1) Cyto-Megalo-Virus


    1. Milk

    2. Urine

    3. Saliva

    4. Feces

    5. Semen

    6. Cervical Discharge

  2) Controlled Mechanical Ventilation

CN; Cranial Nerve

CNPV; Continuous Negative Pressure Ventilation

CNS; Central Nervous System; 중추신경계


  1) Cardiac Output

  2) Carbon Monoxide; 일산화탄소


  1) Choice Of Drug

  2) Cause Of Death

  3) Chemical O2 Demand; KMnO4 or K2Cr2O2등의 산화제에 의하여 수중에 유기물및 산화성 물질의 양을 나타내는데 사용(COD > BOD)

COLD; Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

COM; Chronic Otitis Media

COMT; Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase

COPD; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환

COWS; Cold Opposite, Warm Same

CP; Central Pool

Cp; Concentration of plasma; plasma의 농도

CP angle; Cerebello-Pontine angle

CPA; Chest Postero-Anterior

CPA tumor; Cerebello-Pontine Angle(소뇌교각부) tumor

CPAP; Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPB; Cardiopulmonary Bypass

CPBA; Competitive Protein Binding Assay

CPC; Clinico-Pathological Conference; 임상병리검토회

CPD; Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion; 아두 골반 불균형

C-Peptide; Connecting Peptide

CPH; Chronic Persistent Hepatitis

CPIP; Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency of Premature; 미숙아 만성 폐부전

CPK; Creatinine Phospho-Kinase

  < 25(60)(200)(240) Unit

  증가하는 경우

  1. AMI; MB Fraction증가; 1일에 최고치, 2 - 3일 지나면 정상화

CPP; Cerebral Perfusion Pressure

CPPD; Calcium Pyro-Phosphate Dihydrate

CPPV; Continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation

CPR; Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

CPS; Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase

CPZ; Chloropromazine


  1) Complete Response

  2) Close Reduction

Cr; Chromium

Cr, cr; creatinine

C/R; Close Reduction

CR Length; Crown to Rump Length

CRAO; Central Retina Artery Occlusion

CREG; Cross REactive Group (of HLA Antigens)

CREST Syndrome;

  1. Calcinosis cutis

  2. Raynaud's phenomenon

  3. Esophageal dysfunction

  4. Sclerodactyly

  5. Telangiectasia Syndrome


  1) Chronic Renal Failure

  2) Corticotropin-Releasing Factor

CRH; Corticotropin Releasing Hormone

CRL; Crown-Rump Length

CRP; C-Reactive Protein; ? 0.06 mg/dL

CRS; Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

CRST Syndrome;

  1. Calcinosis

  2. Raynaud's Phenomenon

  3. Sclerodactyly

  4. Telangiectasia Syndrome

CS, Cs;

  1) Cycloserine

  2) Cesarean Section

CS2; 이황화탄소

C/S; Cesarean Section

C-Section; Cesarean Section


  1) Cell Surface Antigen

  2) Central Sleep Apnea


  1) Cerebro-Spinal Fluid; 뇌척수액

  2) Colony Stimulating Factor

CSF-1; Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor

CSII; Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion


  1) Carotid Sinus Massage

  2) Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis; 뇌척수막염


  1) Cheyne-Stokes Respiration

  2) Central Supply Room; 중앙공급실

CST; Contraction Stress Test


  1) Computed(Computer) Tomography(-gram); 컴퓨터 단층 촬영

    = CAT

  2) Cloting Time

  3) Chronic Thyroiditis

  4) Connective Tissue

  5) Cholera Toxin

CTCL; Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma

CTD; Connective Tissue Disease

CTH; Chronic Tension Headache

CTL; Cytotaxic T Lymphocyte

CTR; Cardio-Thoracic Ratio

CTx; Chemotherapy

CU; Clinical Unit

cu; cubic; 입방의


  1) Closing Volume

  2) Cardio-Vascular; 심장혈관의


  1) Cardio-Vascular Accident(Attack)

  2) Cerebro-Vascular Accident(Attack); 뇌졸증(중), 뇌혈관 손상

    = CVD

  3) Costo-Vertebral Angle

CVB; Chorionic Villus Biopsy


  1)  Cerebro-Vascular Disease; 심장 혈관병(증) = CVA = Stroke; 중풍, 뇌졸증

  2) Cardio-Vascular Disease; 심장혈관병(증)

CVH; Chronic Viral Hepatitis

CVP; Central Venous Pressure


  1) Cardio-Vascular System; 심장 혈관계

  2) Chronic Villi Sampling; 융모막 채취

CWP; Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis = Black Lung

CWRS; Case Western Reserve University


  1) Complication

  2) Cervix(= Cervical); 경(頸)

CXR; Chest X-Ray

CZI; Crystalline Zinc Insulin

출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308
