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[의학용어-약어] [B]로 시작하는 의학 약어

BA; Bore Area

Ba; Barium

Ba E; Barium Enema

BAE; Bronchial Artery Embolization

BAER; Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response(Potential)


  1) Brocho-Alveolar Lavage

  2) British Anti-Lewisite = Dimercaprol

BAN; Basle Anatomic Nomenclature; 바젤 해부학 명명법 = BNA

BAO; Basal Acid Output

BAS; Balloon Atrio-Septostomy

BATOs; Boronic Adducts of Technetium Oxine


  1) Bundle Branch Block

  2) Blood Brain Barrier ⇨ Blood Brain Barrier

BBBB; Bilateral Bundle Branch Block

BBT; Basal Body Temperature; 기초체온

BC; Bone Conduction

BCAA; Branched Chain Amino Acid

BCC; Basal Cell Carcinoma


  1) Bacillus(Bacille)-Calmette-Gurin

  2) Bromo-Cresol Green

bcr; breakpoint cluster region

BCYE-α agar; Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract agar with α-ketoglutarate

BD; Behcet's Disease

BDR; Back-ground Diabetic Retinopathy


  1) Bacterial Endocarditis

  2) Base Excess

  3) Below the Elbow

BEP; Bleomycin, Etoposide, Cisplatin

BERA; Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry

β-ABA; β-Amino-Butyric Acid

β-CCE; β-Carboline-3-Carboxy(lic) acid Ethylester

β-HCG(hCG); Beta(β)-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; 사람융모성선자극호르몬

BFUe; erythroid Burst Forming Unit

BGT; Bender-Gestalt Test

BGU; Benign Gastric Ulcer

B-H Contraction; Braxton-Hicks Contraction

BH4; tetra-Hydrobiopterin

BI; Behavior Identity

BID, bid, b.i.d; Bis In Die; Twice a Day; 하루에 두번

BIN, bin, b.i.n.; Bis In Nocte; Twice A Night; 하루밤에 두번

BIP; Brochiolar Interstitial Pneumonia

B-J protein; Bence-Jones Protein, 의의; Multiple Myeloma

BK; Below the Knee

BLS; Basic Life Support

BLV; Biologic Limit Value; 생물학적 허용한계


  1) Bone Marrow

  2) Basement Membrane

  3) Bench-Mark; 수준 기표

b.m.; bowel movement; 장운동

BMD; Bone Mineral Density

BMR; Basal Metabolic Rate; 기초대사율

BMT; Bone Marrow Transplantation;골수 이식

BMZ; Basement Membrane Zone

BNA; Basle Nomina Anatomica; 바젤 해부학 명명법 = BAN

BOD; Biochemical Oxygen Demand; 생물학적 산소 요구량; 1 L 수중의 유기물을 Bacteria 가 20 ℃에서 5일간 분해하는데 소비하는 산소의 양; 물의 오염도 측정(ppm단위); 하수 오염의 지표완료

  1. 제 1단계 BOD(BOD5); 탄소 화합물의 산화 완료까지 소비되는 산소량(7 - 10 일); 20 ppm

  2. 제 2단계 BOD; 질소 화합물의 산화 완료까지 소비되는 산소량(100 일)

BOW; Back Of Water


  1) Blood Pressure; 혈압

  2) Bullous Pemphigoid

  3) Benzathin Penicillin

  4) Broncho-Pulmonary

bp; base pair; 염기쌍


  1) Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia; 기관지 폐이형성증

  2) Bi-Parietal Diameter

BPF; Brocho-Pleural Fistula

BPH; Benign Prostate(Prostatic) Hypertrophy(Hyperplasia); 전립선 비대(증)

BPO; Benzyl-Penicilloyl

BPP; Bio-Physical Profile

BPPV; Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

BPRS; Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

BPT; Bronchial Provocation Test; 기관지 유발 시험

BPV; Benign Positional Vertigo

BrDU; 5-Bromo-Deoxy-Uridine

BRM; Biologic Response Modifiers; 생물학적 반응 조절제


  1) Breath Sounds; 호흡음

  2) Blood Sugar

  3) Bile Salts

BSA; Body Surface Area; 체표면적

BSID; Boyley Scales of Infant Development; Boyley 유아 발달 척도

BSO; Bilateral Salping-Oophorectomy

BSP; Bromo-Sul-Phalein

BSS; Bernard-Soulier Syndrome

BST; Blood Sugar Test


  1) Bleeding Time

  2) Body Temperature

BTSS; Biopsy Tissue Scrub Smear

btw; by the way

B-T shunt; Blalock-Taussig shunt

B.T.U.; British Thermal Unit

BUN; Blood Urea Nitrogen; 혈액(중) 요소 질소

BUT; Break-Up Time


  1) Blood Volume

  2) Bacterial Vaginosis

B/W; Black/White

Bx, bx; Biopsy

BZ Disease; Brill Zinsser Disease

Bz-Ty-PABA test; N-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosyl-p-Amino-Benzoic Acid test = Bentiromide test = Tripeptide Hydrolysis test

