1) Murmur
2) Male; 남자
M.; Mycoplasma(= Asterococcus)
M. Pneumoniae; 폐렴미코플라즈마
M-A tube; Miller Abbott tube
MAA; Macro-Aggregated Albumin
MAbs; Monoclonal Antibodies
1) Maximal Allowable Concentration
2) MTX, Actinomycin-D, Cyclophosphamide
3) MTX, Actinomycin-D, Chlorambucin
MAD; Major Antigenic Determinant
MAG; Myelin Associated Glycoprotein
MAG; Mercapto-Acetyl-Triglycine
MAHA; Micro-Angiopathic Hemolytic Anemia; PB상 Helmet Cell
Thrombocytopenia중 MAHA유발
1. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
2. TTP
3. DIC
MAI; Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare
MALT; Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue
1) MonoAmine Oxidase
2) Maximal Acid Output
MAOI; MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitors
MAP; Mean Arterial Pressure
MAS; Meconium Aspiration Syndrome; 태변(양수)흡인증후군 = Massive Aspiration Syndrome; 양수 대량 흡인 증후군 = Meconium Aspiration Pneumonia태변 흡인성 폐렴
MAST; Michigan Alcohol Screening test
MAT; Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
1) Maximal Breathing Capacity
2) Minimal Bactericidal Concentration
MBD; Minimal Brain Dysfuction
MBK; Methylen Butyl-Ketone
MBV; Maximal Breathing Volume = MVV
1) Musculo-Cutaneous
2) Mixed Cellularity
mc; most common
MCA; Middle Cerebral Artery
1) Minimal Change Disease
2) Menstrual Cycle Day
mcg; microgram; μgm, 10-6 gm
MCH; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Hemoglobin; 26 - 33 pg; 평균적혈구 혈색소량
MCHC; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Hemoglobin Concentration; 32 - 36 %; 평균적혈구 혈색소농도
MCL; Minimal Change Disease
MCLS; Muco-Cutaneous Lymph node Syndrome = Kawasaki Disease
MCN; Minimal Change Nephrotic syndrome = MCNS
MCNS; Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome = MCN
MCO; Medical Care Organization; 의료조직 = HCO; Health Care Organization
MCP; Meta-Carpo-Phalangeal
MCP joint; Meta-Carpo-Phalangeal joint
MCT; Medium Chain Triglyceride
MCTD; Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
MCV; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Volume; 80 - 100 fL(= 10-5 L); 평균적혈구용적
1) Medicinae(Medical) Doctor; 의학박사
2) Mid-Day; 정오
MDHP; Methylene Hydroxy-Di-Phosphonate
MDI; Manic(Mood) Depressive Illness
MDII; Multiple Daily Insulin Injections
MDM; Minor Determinant Mixture
MDP; Methylene Di-Phosphonate
MDR; Multi-Drug Resistance
MDS; Myelo-Dysplastic Syndrome = Refractory (Dysmyelopoietic) Anemia = (Idiopathic) Myelodysplastic Syndrome = Refractory Anemia = Preleukemia
MEDAC Syndrome; Multiple-Endocrine Deficiency Autoimmune-Candidiasis
MEFR; Maximal Expiratory Flow Rate
MEFV; Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume
MELAS Syndrome;
1. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy
2. Lactic Acidosis
3. Stroke Syndrome
MEM Test; Macrophage Electrophoretic Mobility Test
MEN; Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
; AD Trait
1. MEN Type I(= Wermer Syndrome)
1) Hyperparathyroidism; Parathyroid gland 의 Adenoma
2) Pancreatic Islet Cell Adenoma(Tumor)
Insulinoma, Gastrinoma; Gastrin ?, Peptic Ulcer ?
3) Pituitary Adenoma; Gland 의 Chromophobe, 임상적 특징, 40 - 50 대에 많음, Three Endocrine Tissue의 Involvement; ? 90 %
2. MEN Type II(= Sipple's Syndrome)
1) Pheochromocytoma
2) Hyperparathyroidism(= parathyroid Hyperplasia)
3) Thyroid Medullary Ca; parafollicular C cell origin, calcitonin producing tumor Tx 원칙; Total Thyroidectomy
3. MEN Type III or IIb
1) Multiple Mucosal Neuroma/ Neurogenic Tumors
2) Hyperparathyroidism(= parathyroid Hyperplasia)
3) Thyroid Medullary Ca
4. McCune Albright Syndrome
MEOS; Microsomal Ethanol Oxidizing System = MFOS; Mixed Function Oxidase System
MERRF Syndrome; Myoclonic Epilepsy & Ragged Red Fibers Syndrome
Met.; Metabilic; 대사성
1) Myelo-Fibrosis = Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia with Myelo-Fibrosis = Idiopathic Myelo-Fibrosis
2) Mycosis Fungoides; 균상 식육종
MFC; Mitomycin C, 5-FU, Cytosin, Arabinoside
MFH; Malignant Fibrous Histocytoma
1) Myasthenia Gravis
2) MonoGlyceride
3) Monoclonal Gammopathy
mg; milligram; 1/1000 gm, 10-3 gm
MGN; Membranous Glomerulo-Nephritis(Nephropathy)
MGUS; Monoclonal Gammopathy of Uncertain Significance
MH; Malignant Hyperthermia
MHA-TP; Micro-Hemagglutination Assay for antibodies to Treponema Pallidum
MHC; Major Histocompatibility Complex
MHPG; 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxy-Phenyl Glycol
1) Mitral Insufficient = MR
2) Myocardial Infarction; 심근 경색증 ? AMI
3) Mind Identity
MIBG; Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine
MIC; Minimum(Minimal) Inhibitory Concentration
MID; Multi-Infarct Dementia
1) Mllerian Inhibiting Factor
2) Migrating Inhibition Factor
MIS; Meiosis-Inducing Substance
ml; milliliter; 1/1000 Liter, 10-3 L
1) Minimal Lethal Concentration
2) Mixed Lymphocyte Culture
MLD; Metachromatic Leuko-Dystrophy
MLF; Median Longitudinal Fasciculus
Role; links the CN III Nucleus with Contralateral CN VI Nucleus
Conjugate Lateral Gaze 가능하도록
MM; Multiple Myeloma
mm; millimeter; 1/1000 Meter, 10-3 Meter
MMC; Meningo-Myelo-Cele
MMER; Maximal Mid Expiratory flow Rate = MMEFR
MMEFR; Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow Rate = MMER
MMPI; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; 미네소타 다면성 인격 검사(다면적 인성 검사)
1) Measles, Mumps, Rubella; 홍역, 멈프스, 풍진
2) Mass Miniature Radiography
MMS; Mohs Micrographic Surgery
1) Membranous Nephropathy
2) Mid-Night; 자정
MODY; Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young(in Youth)
1) Mechlorethamine, Vincristine, Procarbazine, Prednisone
2) Nitrogen Mustard, Oncovin, Procarbazine, Prednisone
1) Marginal Pool
2) Metacarpal Phalangeal
MP joint; Metacarpo-Pharyngeal joint
1) Mean Pulmonary Artery
2) Medroxy-Progesterone Acetate(Proveraⓡ)
3) Methylenedioxy Amphetamine
MPAP; Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure
MPGN; Mesangial(Membrano-) Proliferative Glomerulo-Nephritis
MPH; Mid-Parental Height
MPN; 최확수; 검수 100 ml에 대장균 균수의 이론상 가장 가능성이 있는 수치
eg) MPN 100; 100 ml중에 대장균균이 100이 있다는 의미
MPO; Myelo-Per-Oxidase
1) Mononuclear Phagocyte System
2) Mucopolysaccharidosis; Muco 다당류 축적 질환
MPV; Mean Platelet Volume
1) Mitral Regurgitation = MI
2) Minor Response
3) Mental Retardation; 정신지체 = Feebleminded, Mental Deficiency; 정신 박약 = Mental Subnormality; 정신 저하 = Subintelligencee; 저능
4) Magnetic Resonance
MR test; Methyl Red test
MRDM; Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus
MRI; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 자기 공명 영상
MRK Syndrome; Mayer-Rokitansky Kster Syndrome = Mllerian Agenesis
MRKH Syndrome; Mayer-Rokitansky Kster-Hauser Syndrome = Mllerian Agenesis
MRM; Modified Radical Mastectomy
mRNA; messenger Ribo-Nucleic Acid
MRSA; Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
1. Bactrim(TMP/SMX) + Rifampin
2. Vancomycin
1) Mitral Stenosis
2) Multiple Sclerosis; 다발성 경화증
3) Macrophage System
ms; muscle
MSAFP; Maternal Serum Alpha(α)-Feto-Protein
MSD; Mean Sac Diameter; Gestational(G)-Sac의 크기
MSE; Mental Status Examination
MSH; Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
MSLT; Multiple Sleep Latency Test
MSP; Minute Sequence Pyelogram
MSU; Mono-Sodium Urate
1) Mantoux Test
2) Medical Technologist; 임상병리사
MTBE; Methyl-Tert-Butyl Ether
MTC; Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
MTD; Membrana Tympanic Dexter; Right Ear Drum; 우측 고막
MTP joint; Meta-Tarso-Phalangeal joint
MTS; Membrana Tympanic Sinister; Left Ear Drum; 좌측 고막
MTT; Metastatic Trophoblastic Tumor
MTX; MethoTreXate
MUP; Motor Unit Potential = MUPs
MUPs; Motor Unit Potentials = MUP
MURCS Associations; MUllerian duct aplasia, Renal aplasia, Cervico-thoracic vertebral(Somite) dysplasia Associations
MV; Mitral Valve
MVAC; Methotrexate, Vinblastin, Adriamycin(= Doxorubicin), Cisplatin
MVD; Micro-Vascular Decompression
1. Trigeminal Neuralgia; SCA
2. Hemifacial Spasm; AICA
3. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
MVP; Mitral Valve Prolapse; 승모판 탈출
1) Maximal Voluntary Volume = MBV
2) Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
MW; Molecular Weight
Myop.; Myopia
출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308