행사명 (Title) |
2010광주봄꽃박람회 Gwangju Spring Flower Expo 2010 |
일시 (Date) |
2010. 3. 26(금) ~ 4. 4(일) / 10일간 26th March ~ 4th April in 2010 / 10days |
장소 (Venue) |
김대중컨벤션센터 전시장 및 야외일원 Kimdaejung Convention Center |
주제 (Theme) |
주 최 (Organizer) |
광주광역시 Gwangju Metropolitan City |
주 관 (Management) |
김대중컨벤션센터 Kimdaejung Convention Center |
후 원 (Sponsors) |
농림수산식품부, 농촌진흥청, 광주광역시교육청, 한국관광공사, 농수산물유통공사, 전라남도농업기술원, (사)한국조경사회, GS칼텍스(주) 등 Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Rural Development Administration, Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education, Korea Tourism Organization, Korea Argo-Fisheries Trade Corporation, Jeonnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Korean Society of Landscape Architectes etc, GS-Caltex Corporation. |
구 성 (Exhibit) |
- 꽃과음악 | 입구조경, 음악조경, 양란조경 - 꽃과 여인 | 여인의공간, 빅엑세서리 화단, 플로리스트 작품전, 패션 멀티숍 - 꽃과 레저 | 요트조경, 테이블장식전, 골프조경, 캠핑카조경, 5인조각전 - 단일관 | 분화정원, 소품정원, 어린이정원, 야생화전시, 분재전시, 다육식물전시, 화훼상품전시, 화훼품종전 - 홍보관 | 50개사 100부스 (국내 40개사 90부스, 해외 10개사 10부스) - Flower & Music | Enterence Garden, Music Garden, Orchid garden - Flower & Women | Women`s room, Big-sized Accessory Garden, Flower Art Works, Multi Shop for Fashion - Flower & Leisure | Yacht Garden, Table Decoration, Golf Garden, Camping Garden, Sculpture Garden - Single Pavilion l Potted Flower Garden, Gardening Interior Exhibition, Kids Garden, Wild Flower Collection, Bonsai Collection, Cactus/Succulent Collection, Flower-related Products Exhibition, Flower Species Exhibition - Promotion Pavilion l 50 Companies with 100 booths |
부대행사 (Supporting Programs) |
- 광주전남화훼수출상담회 - 화훼장식기능경기대회 - 화훼관련전문가학술회의 - 생활원예 이론강의 및 체험행사 - 현장사진 콘테스트 - 각종 체험행사 및 무대공연 - Export Promoting Meeting - Floral Decoration Competition - Professional Conference on Flower Industry - Special Lecture and Participating Event on Gardening - Photo Contest - Various Kinds of Experience Events and Stage Performances |
참관객 (Visitors) |
10만여명 More than 100,000 Persons |