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[의학용어-약어] [G]로 시작하는 약어

g; gram = gm

G.; Giardia

  G. Lamblia; 람불편모충

G-sac; Gestational Sac


  1) Gestational Age; 재태주령

  2) Gamblers Anonymous

167Ga; radioactive Gallium(used in whole-body & brain scans)

GABA; Gamma-Amino-Butyric Acid

GAF scale; Global Assessment of Functioning scale

GAG; Glycos-Amino-Glycan

GAP; Group for Advancement of Psychiatry

GAP syndrome; Galactorrhea, Amenorrhea, Prolactinoma Syndrome

GB; Gall Bladder; 담낭

GBM; Glomerular Basement Membrane

GBP scan; Gated Blood Pool (cardiac) scan = GBPS

  1. LV 기능 측정

  2. Wall Motion분석

  3. CO & EF 측정

GBPS; Gated Blood Pool cardiac Scan = GBP scan


  1) Guillain-Barr Syndrome = PIP; Post-Infectious Polyneuropathy

  2) Group B Streptococcus


  1) Guanylate Cyclase

  2) Gonococcus; 임균

Gc globulin; Group-specific complement globulin

GCS; Glasgow Coma Scale

GER; Gastro-Esophageal Reflux

GERD; Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease

GFR; Glomerular Filtration Rate; 사구체 여과율

  25 % 감소시 Clinical Manifestation

  50 % 감소시 Lab 상 Azotemia

G-G diet; Giordano-Giovannetti diet, 의의; CRF에 쓰인다.


  1) Gamma(γ)-Glutamyl Transpeptidase

  2) Gamma(γ)-Glutamyl Transferase

GH; Growth Hormone = Somatotropin

GHB; Gamma-Hydroxy Butyrate

GHQ; General Health Questionaire

GHRH; Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone

GH-V; variant form of Growth Hormone


  1) Gastro-Intestinal; 위장의

  2) Globin Insulin

  3) Granuloma Inguinale

GIDAANT; Gender Identity Disorder of Adolescence or Adulthood, Non-transsexual Type

GIF; Gastro-Intestinal Fiberoscopy

GIFT; Gamate Intra-Fallopian Transfer; 생식세포 난관내 이식술

GIH; Growth hormone release Inhibiting Hormone = Somatostatin


  1) Giant cell Interstitial Pneumonia

  2) Gastric Inhibitory (Poly)Peptide

GLOBE; Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment

gm; gram = g

GM; Glioblastoma Multiforme; 다형성 교아세포종

GM-CSF; Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor

GMP; Guanosine Mono-Phosphate

GN; Glomerulo-Nephritis

GNB; Gram Negative(-) Bacilli

GNBP; Gram Negative(-) Bacillary Pneumonias

GnRH; Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone

GOT; Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase


  1) General Practitioner; 전과의(全科醫)

  2) General Paresis

  3) Geometric Progression

GPIb; Glyco-Protein Ib

gr.; grain; 1 gr. = 0.0648 gm

GRASS; Gradient Recalled Acquisition at Steady State

grav.; gravida; pregnancy; 임신

GRH; Growth hormone Releasing Hormone

GRP; Gastrin-Releasing Peptide


  1) Gall Stone

  2) General Surgery

G6PD, G6PD, G-6-PD; Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase

GSR; Galvanic Skin Response

GTD; Gestational Trophoblastic Disease


GTP; Guanosine Tri-Phosphate


  1) Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor

  2) Glucose Tolerance Test; 당부하검사

gtt; guttae; drops; 방울 방울

GU; Genito-Urinary; 비뇨생식기의

GUT; Genito-Urinary Tract

GVHD; Graft-Versus-Host Disease; 식대주 질환

Gyn.; Gynecology; 부인과

출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308

