N. gonorrhoeae(= gonococcus); 임균
N. intracellularis(= N. meningitidis); 수막염균
N. meningitidis(= Meningococcus); 수막염균
; Normal
1) Narcotic Anonymous
2) Nomina Anatomica; Anatomic Nomenclature; 해부학 명명법
Na+; Sodium; Electrolyte
NAAG; N-Acetyl Aspartyl Glutamate
NAD; Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
NADP; Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
NAME Syndrome; Nevi, Atrial myxoma, Myxoid neurofibroma, Ephelides Syndrome
NAP; N-Acetyl-d-Penicillamine
NB; New-Born
NBTE; Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
NBT test; Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium (dye reduction) test; Chronic Granulomatous Disease진단에 사용
NCA; National Council on Alcoholism
NCF; Neutrophilic Chemotatic Factors
NCV; Nerve Conduction Velocity
NE; Nor-Epinephrine
NEC; Necrotizing Entero-Colitis
NED; No Evidence of Disease
NEEP; Negative End-Expiratory Pressure
NF; Neuro-Fibromatosis = Von Recklinghausen's Disease
NF 1; Neuro-Fibromatosis type 1
NF 2; Neuro-Fibromatosis type 2
NFVVE; Normal Fullterm Vaginal Vacuum Extraction
1) Naso-Gastric
2) N Gonorrhea
NG tube; Naso-Gastric tube
NGO; Non-Governmental Organization; 민간조직
NGU; Non-Gonococcal Urethritis
NH; Nodular Histiocytic
NHL; Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
NIDDM; Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus = Type II DM
NIH; National Institutes of Health
NIMH-ECA; NIMH-Epidemiologic Catchment Area
NIP; Non-specific Interstitial Pneumonitis
NK cell; Natural Killer cell
NKA; Neuro-Kinin A
NKHS; Non-Ketotic Hyperosmolar Syndrome
NL, nl; Normal
1) Neuro-Muscular
2) Neo-Mycin
Nm; Neuromodulator
NMLH; Nodular Mixed Lymphocytic Histocytic
NMN; N-Methyl-Nicotinamide
NMR; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; 핵자기 공명술
NMS; Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
NO3; 질산성산소
NOR; Nucleolar Organizing Region
NP; Nucleoside Phosphorylase
NPDL; Nodular Poorly Differentiated Lymphocytic
1) Neutral Protamine Hagedorn Insulin = Isophane Insulin Suspension
2) Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NPN; Non-Protein Nitrogen; 비단백질소
NPO; Nulli(Non) Per Os; Nothing by Mouth; 금식
NPT; Nocturnal Penile Tumescence; 야간 음경 팽대
NR; Normal Range
nr; ne repetatur; do not repeat; 반복을 금함
NREM; Non-Rapid Eye Movement
1) Nephrotic Syndrome
1. Proteinuria
1) Adult; ? 3.5 gm/Day
2) 소아; > 40 mg/ml/hr
2. Hypoalbuminemia; < 2.5 gm/dL
3. Generalized Edema
4. Hyperlipidemia
5. Lipiduria(Fat Globule in Urine)
2) Nodular Sclerosis
N/S; Normal Saline
NSAID; Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
NSE; Neuron Specific Enolase
NSR; Normal Sinus Rhythm
NST; Non-Stress Test
NT, Nt; NeuroTransmitter
1) Naso-Tracheal Aspiration
2) National Tuberculosis Association
NTM; Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria
NTV; Nervous Tissue Vaccine; 신경 조직 백신
NVD; Neck Vein Distension
NVE; Native Valve Endocarditis
NYHA; New York Heart Association
출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308