반응형 old313 [의학용어-약어] [L]로 시작하는 약어 L; 1) Lumbar Vertebrae L1; 1st Lumbar Vertebrae L2; 2nd Lumbar Vertebrae 2) Liter LA; 1) Left Atrium 2) Latex Agglutination L & A; Light & Accommodation; 광선및 조절 LAA; Left Atrial(or Auricular) Appendage Lab., lab.; Laboratory; 검사실 LAD; 1) Left Axis Deviation; 좌축 편위 2) Left Anterior Descending coronary artery LAE; 1) Late Asthmatic Effect 2) Left Atrial Enlargement LAH; Left Atrial Hypertrophy LAI.. [의학용어-약어] [K]로 시작하는 약어 K+; Potassium; Electrolyte KAP study; Knowledge, Attitude & Practice study Ka; Kallikrein KDO; 2-Keto-3-Deoxy-Octonate K-F Ring; Kayser-Fleischer Ring kg; kilogram; 1000 gram KHF; Korean Hemorrhagic Fever = HFRS KI(?); Potassium Iodide; 옥화칼륨 KIDS; Kansas Infant Development Screen KLH; Keyhole-Limpet Hemocyanin antigen KM; Kana-Mycin KOH; Potassium Hydroxide [HP 272-3] 17-KS; 17-Keto-Steroid KUB;.. [의학용어-약어] [J]로 시작하는 약어 JG; Juxta-Glomerulus JOC; Journal of Oncologic Clinical(?) JRA; Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis; 연소기 류마토이드 관절염 = Juvenile Chronic Arthritis; 연소기 만성 관절염, Def; 15세 이하의 소아에서 6주이상 지속되는 관절염(= Still's Disease) Jt; Joint JVP; [POMD P 49 - 52] 1) Jugular Vein Pressure 2) Jugular Venous Pulse Jx; Junction 출처: http://cafe.daum.net/kissup0308 [의학용어-약어] [i]로 시작하는 약어 I; Inspiration 131I; radioactive Iodine(used in Thyroid uptake, Liver & Kidney Scans & Treatment of malignant & nonmalignant conditions of the thyroid) 123I-MIBG; 123I-Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine 131I-MIBG; 131I-Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine IABP; Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump(Plasty) IAPP; Insulinoma Amyloid Poly-Peptide IBD; Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBS; Irritable Bowel Syndrome IC; 1) Iidirect Curr.. 이전 1 ··· 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ··· 79 다음 반응형